Supporting a media diet: a study

di Alessandra Carenzio

Supporting a media diet: a study

Supporting a media diet: a study

In 2017 Cremit started a study on media uses and practices to boost a serious discussion on media diet and the media habits. The four questionnaires followed a methodological road map, from literature analysis, validation, pre-test and to a new design of the tools prepared for parents, children, tweens and teens.

The delivery started in 2018, and after one year we have the first results. Every school or organization interested can receive a code to fill the questionnaires in order to have a personal report on media uses: in fact the purpose is not to collect data generally, but to use data for discussion and specific intervention: participants, in fact, can get an immediate picture of their own uses and practices to start developing a good media education strategy.

The idea is to promote the questionnaires internationally, if interested in translating the tools into local idioms just write an email to:

Here you can find the four questionnaires in Italian for a first glance.

1. Parents (for kids 0-8)

2. Children 8-10

3. Tweens 11-13

4. Adolescents 14-18

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