Serena Triacca

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Serena Triacca

Serena Triacca


PhD in Pedagogy, I am currently Associate Professor of Education at eCampus Univiersity (Novedrate, Como).

I am Professor of Education and Learning Technologies (BA course in Education and Training Sciences, Brescia) and of the Technologies for Didactics Lab (MA course on blended Media Education, Milan) at the Department of Educational Sciences of the Catholic University of Milan.

I have been working with CREMIT since 2009 and have always been involved in e-tutoring, coaching and training trainers on Education Technology topics. I have been project manager of several research and training projects.

I am technical editor of the journal REM (Research on Education and Media).

Studies and professional training

I Graduated in Education at the Catholic University of Brescia (2005) with a thesis entitled “E-learning and university teaching: the blended solution” under the supervision of Prof. Pier Cesare Rivoltella. I began my collaboration as a network and classroom tutor with the CEPAD (Center for Permanent and Distance Education) of the Catholic University of Brescia, as part of the Special Qualifying Courses D.M. 85 which included didactic activities held in videoconference.

Over the years, I have gained numerous and significant experience as an e-tutor and coordinator of online Postgraduate, Higher Education and MA courses at the Milan campus of the Catholic University. Equally, at the Brescia campus, for four years I was Group Tutor for the students enrolled in the Primary Education course, and Internship Tutor for students enrolled in the course in Education and Training. In 2012 I embarked on a disciplinary study path through the PhD in Pedagogy at the Catholic University of Milan: the research focused on teaching through images, photography in particular.

From February 2017 to January 2021, I was a research fellow at the Catholic University of Milan, focusing on tutoring and monitoring the Master’s Degree Course in Management and Business Consulting, activated in blended learning at the Faculty of Economics.

From May 2021 to September 2023, I was a researcher in the same Faculty.

Research interests

Online education and communication, blended learning and e-learning, e-tutoring, Education Technology, teachers training, teaching and learning with photography.


In 2017 I was the winner of the SIREM “Young researchers” award by presenting the contribution “The use of Mobile Instant Messaging in higher education. Towards an orientation-training proposal for the development of media skills”, written together with Livia Petti, during the conference at the University of Molise (Campobasso, April 20-21, 2017). The contribution was published in the volume Media education in Italy. Objects and areas of training (Bruni, F., Garavaglia, A., Petti, L., Eds., 2019).


For an updated overview of publications see the Publicatt profile

For Morcelliana-Scholé I published the book “Didattica dell’immagine. Insegnare con la fotografia nella scuola primaria”.

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