Martina Morreale

di redazione

Martina Morreale

Martina Morreale

Media Educator and Ph.D. Student in Learning Sciences and Digital Technologies (National PhD cycle XXXVIII) at the University of Milan.


Since 2021 I have been collaborating with the CREMIT Research Centre and I am subject matter expert for the teaching of Didactics and Media Education (M-PED/03) and Technologies of Education and Learning (M-PED/03) at the Faculty of Science of the Education, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan. I also carry out research and tutoring activities as part of the University’s Faculty Development and as part of the Philosophy CDS for courses delivered in blended learning, at the University of Milan. 

Studies and professional training

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Communication, Media and Advertising (L-20) and a Master’s degree in Media Education (LM-93) at the Faculty of Education Sciences, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, with a thesis entitled “Critical Thinking and Media: for a new pedagogy of autonomy”. Currently I am a Ph.D. student in Learning Sciences and Digital Technologies (National PhD XXXVIII cycle) at the University of Milan. 

Areas of research and intervention

AI and Faculty Development; Media Education and Healthcare; Onlife Citizenship (Digital Competence); Educational innovation (Blended Learning); E-tutoring. 

Univ. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Largo Fra Agostino Gemelli, 1 - 20123 Milano
Tel. 02-72343038 / 02-72343036 (direzione)

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