Nuovo numero del Journal of Digital Media & Interaction

di Alessandra Carenzio

Nuovo numero del Journal of Digital Media & Interaction

Nuovo numero del Journal of Digital Media & Interaction

E’ uscito il nuovo numero del Journal of Digital Media & Interaction (, Rivista internazionale ad accesso aperto pubblicata due volte all’anno. La rivista, curata dal  DigiMedia – Digital Media and Interaction Research Center dell’Universidad de Aveiro, affronta tematiche legate ai media digitali e alle pratiche mediali in contesti creativi, culturali e sociali, a partire dalle sfide socio-tecnologiche viste da una prospettiva transdisciplinare.

Alessandra Carenzio è guest editor del numero insieme a Oksana Tymoshchuk, collega dell’Università di Aveiro, e Ruth Sofia Contreras Espinosa, attualmente all’Università di Barcellona.

Condividiamo le prime battute dell’Editoriale, rimandando al numero per gli articoli:

In the onlife scenario, in which human life is increasingly mediated by digital technologies and our physical and digital lives are mutually influential, Media Literacy is even more significant. The onlife condition challenges traditional ideas about identity, privacy, and ethics, and it requires an attentive thinking about what it means to be human in a world where digital and physical realms are inseparable. Media Literacy is profoundly implied in this thinking considering, in particular, what Buckingham refers to as the “bigger picture”. Buckingham uses this expression to emphasize the need for understanding how media fit into a broader social and cultural context that influences who we are, how we interact with others, and how we construct our identity in a digital world.

In this special issue, we present experiences and studies reflecting the importance of MediaLiteracy as a powerful framework to deal with fragmented information, invisible poverty, inclusion of older people and social issues such as prejudice and homophobic attitudes.

Editorial, Vol 7 No 17 (2024)

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