Enrica Bricchetto

di redazione

Enrica Bricchetto

History and educational research have always been my vocation: I wish to combine cultural tradition with innovation, to inhabit a new world without losing the experience of the past, to work with all formats and all languages. My mentors are A. Gibelli, S. Luzzatto and P. Rivoltella. I am a schoolteacher, trainer, and author of several articles, essays, and volumes. 


I am a lecturer in the “General Didactics Laboratory” at the Department of Educational Sciences of the Catholic University of Milan and of “Learning and education technologies” for the degree course of Primary Education in Turin. I teach Italian and history at the I.I.S. “Avogadro” where I hold a digital class.

Studies and professional training

After earning my PhD in Contemporary History, I obtained the postgraduate degree in Media Education at the Catholic University of Milan, under the supervision of Prof. Pier Cesare Rivoltella.

Research and intervention areas

My current research interests that I carry out at CREMIT focus on the use of new technologies in teaching, and in the promotion of integral teaching environments. Specifically, I am interested in citizenship education and the relationship between the past and present.

At CREMIT I also carry out coaching activities in the field of didactics and media. These activities are directed mainly towards secondary school teachers with whom I work on the EAS model (Situated Learning Episodes).

Univ. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Largo Fra Agostino Gemelli, 1 - 20123 Milano
Tel. 02-72343038 / 02-72343036 (direzione)

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