Eleonora Mazzotti

di redazione

Eleonora Mazzotti

Eleonora Mazzotti

I am a PhD student in Medium and Mediality at eCampus University on the subject of didactic performativity in presential and distance contexts (tutor Paolo Raviolo).


I became a collaborator of CREMIT in 2017 and I am working in the fields of Media Education, and Pastoral care and digital media. 

Studies and professional training

I earned my BA in Education and a MA in Pedagogy specializing in “Training for organizations” with a thesis entitled “The Web and Pastoral Life: dialogue opportunities” under the supervision of Prof. Pier Cesare Rivoltella. PH.D Student in Medium e Medialità at eCampus University.

Research interests

Pastoral care and digital media, Media Education


Ferrari, S.; Mazzotti, E.; Rolandi, E. (2023), Cyber Scuola per Nonni. Un percorso di Media Education intergenerazionale, QTimes WebMagazine, Anno XV – vol. 2., n. 1, 2023.

Mazzotti, E.; Messina, S.; Rondonotti, M.; Raviolo, P. (2022), Performativity and the Teaching Relationship Between Presence and Distance: an Exploratory Investigation, Giornale Italiano di Educazione alla Salute, Sport e Didattica Inclusiva, Anno 6, n. 3.

Since 2018, I have been collaborating with the “EaS. Essere a Scuola” magazine of Morcelliana Scholé Publishing, contributing to the sections “Media Education Perspectives,” “CPIA,” and “IRC.”

Univ. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Largo Fra Agostino Gemelli, 1 - 20123 Milano
Tel. 02-72343038 / 02-72343036 (direzione)

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