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Technology has changed the possibilities within teaching and learning. The high consideration of European Commission about it led to the establishment of Digital Education Plan and set the topic among the most relevant skills to be developed to ensure a competitive EU in the future (A New Skills Agenda for Europe, Key Competences for Lifelong Learning).

Schools are the main environment where develop digital skills in order to avoid future gaps and lacks hindering European employment, citizens literacy and social cohesion. The outcomes so far are not encouraging. The “2nd Survey of Schools: ICT in Education” (March 2019) by EC stressed that 76% of upper secondary school students never or almost never engage in coding or programming at school and the female percentage rise up to over 80%. The majority of secondary school students are not able to assess the reliability of whatthey read online, to locate information and navigate autonomously. Teachers face the same challenge as “Digital Competence of Educators” stresses and teachers training in ICT is rarely compulsory. A lack of European educational coordination concerning digital education came up: no common curricula, competences area, assessment frameworks (E&T Monitor 2020).
Along with this, the problem of online disinformation has been directly undertaken by EC over the last 3 years (HLEG on fake news and Flash Eurobarometer 464).
The “Check & Design” project will be targeting both upper secondary students and teachers in order to respond adequately to two competence areas:
(i) Information and data literacy; (iii) Digital content creation.
The European Partnership
Cremit – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Agrupamento de Escolas de Santo André Barreiro (PT)

Archilabò Società Cooperativa Sociale (IT)

IV Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy (PL)


Kürt Alapítványi Gimnázium (HU)



Associate Professor
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