“Exploring the synergy of coding and innovative teacher training. An action research in primary school”, l’intervento di Pelizzari a ATEE 2024

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“Exploring the synergy of coding and innovative teacher training. An action research in primary school”, l’intervento di Pelizzari a ATEE 2024

“Exploring the synergy of coding and innovative teacher training. An action research in primary school”, l’intervento di Pelizzari a ATEE 2024

Il convegno “Teacher education research in Europe: trends, challenges, practices and perspectives” si svolge dal 29 maggio all’1 giugno 2024 presso l’Università degli Studi di Bergamo. Si tratta dell’ATEE Spring Conference 2024 (Association for Teacher Education in Europe).

Per il Cremit interviene Federica Pelizzari con un intervento dal titolo “Exploring the synergy of coding and innovative teacher training. An action research in primary school”.

KEYWORDS: innovative teacher training, coding, primary school

ABSTRACT: Coding and educational robotics are transformative elements in modern pedagogy, guiding education towards experiential learning crucial for preparing students for the digital age. Through coding, students transcend memorisation, engaging in dynamic processes that enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and logical reasoning. This sharpens analytical skills and instils a mindset thriving on innovation and adaptability. Educational robotics amplifies coding’s impact by immersing students in hands-on, multidimensional learning. Programming robots bridges theory and application, allowing students to witness tangible manifestations and the direct consequences of their code.

The fusion of coding and educational robotics extends beyond technical skills, nurturing creativity as students envision, design and iterate robotic solutions. Project iterations instil a growth mindset, teaching students that setbacks are opportunities for improvement. Collaborative robotics efforts foster teamwork and effective communication in today’s interconnected world.

In this context, teacher training is pivotal for effective classroom implementation. Teachers, central to guiding students through coding and robotics intricacies, require a solid foundation in content and pedagogy. Specifically, training programs must equip educators with technical proficiency and the ability to create a dynamic, interactive learning environment. By emphasising coding and educational robotics integration across subjects, teacher training can promote interdisciplinary connections, enhancing students’ coding understanding and showcasing coding’s real-world applicability.

This action research evaluates the proposed training course’s effectiveness in creating an innovative teaching experimentation space through the EAS method and coding integration. After analysing the perceptions and experiences of around 40 primary school teachers, the intervention, rooted in a needs analysis, seeks continuity between training and classroom work. The research methodology, employing training evaluation questionnaires, logbook analysis, and qualitative interviews, explored teachers’ perspectives and assessed the intervention’s overall impact on classroom practices.

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